The NCC attempts to promote respect of others' IP rights, while reducing or eliminating piracy. Their focus is enforcing copyright law to benefit Nigerian artists, rather than consumer rights. However, as piracy becomes less common, the consumer can have a better chance of knowing that their support of artists, in the form of CD sales, really supports the artists, not counterfeiters.
Recall an unsafe product.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Nigerian copyright law is meant to protect people creating original works in Nigeria. However, as a member of the World Trade Organization, Nigeria's copyright laws are harmonized with the laws of more than 160 other countries, all of whom are required to recognize each other's copyrights.
Recall an unsafe product.
By monitoring new products and recalling unsafe ones.
The act also established the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to "protect the public against unreasonable risks associated with consumer products."
Copyright does not protect facts or ideas, but will protect the expression of them.
Copyright does not protect ideas, only the expression of those ideas.
Copyright law cannot protect ideas, only the expressionof them in writing, sound, art, etc.
Developing voluntary standards with industry; Issuing and enforcing mandatory standards and banning consumer products if no feasible standard would adequately protect the public; Obtaining the recall of products .
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Copyright protects texts, images, and the website itself.