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When you are on probation for any jurisdiction there is always a fee called Cost of Supervision, which you can have a judge waive if you're a college student or disabled. COS's can also be worked off by means of community service hours as can the court costs.

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Q: How does probation work in SC.. I heard in addition to any court ordered restitution you have to pay extra to be on probabtion but that doesn't make much sense. Is that true?
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Once off Federal probation will you go to jail if you stop paying restitution?

Your probation status has no bearing on it. If you are failing to obey the payment of a court ordered restitution, you are in contempt of court, and jailing you is certainly one of the options that the judge has.

Can a probation officer extend your probation if your fines are not paid?

Yes, paying all fees and fines related to the court including restitution, court costs, attorney fees and probation supervision fees can be a term of your probation and you can be found in violation of probation for not paying them in a timely manner.

A sentence for restitution?

He was ordered to pay restitution for the damages he caused during the robbery.

Can you go to jail for a debt that is over 10 yrs old?

Yes, it is certainly possible. Typically it won't occur though. Unless there is criminal activity involved, such as fraud, courts don't sentence people to jail on a civil debt. For example a criminal offender is granted probation and is ordered by the Court to pay restitution to the victim. The offender stops reporting to his probation officer and does not pay the restitution as ordered so a warrant gets issued. The warrant will not go away until the offender is arrested even after ten years.

What is a Criminal lien?

A criminal lien is specific things that someone cannot do. This could be that a person cannot move out of state, cannot sell personal property, or probation.

Who is probation ordered by?

The judge.

What is a sentence for Restiution?

The Judge ordered the rapist to pay restitution to his victim.Restitution is a form of payment that criminals pay to the victim, the victim's family, or to the government.Since prisoners earn less than minimum wage, they barely pay court ordered restitution.

Will you go to jail for not paying your court cost and fines in little rock while on probation?

If a condition of your probation is that you pay your fines - yes. You are in violation of probation (VOP) and can suffer the consequences. Probation s NOT a 'get out of jail free' card!Addendum:It is not uncommon, though, for parolees and probationers to not have completely paid their restitution. In this event, the remaining amount is often sent to third party collections, at which point legal (civil) action can be taken.

What is it mean when you are sentenced 5 years suspened 2 yr probation 500 restitution?

You were found Guilty. You were sentenced to 5 years in prison. HOWEVER - the prison portion of the sentence is suspended and instead, you are ordered to serve 2 years on probation and ordered to pay $500.00 in re-payment to the victim.

If a person is charged in a felony case and there is restitution and court ordered finefees can the person put that restitution on their bankruptcy?

Almost never; Court ordered restitution and especially fines are NOT ablwe to be discharged in bankrutpcy. That would be against the "public good"...and frankly, one court doesn't like interferring or overriding another ever!

What is the compound preposition in Trudy ordered a salad in addition to the pizza?

In addition to is the compound preposition in Trudy ordered a salad in addition to the pizza.

Does bankruptcy wipe out the requirement to make criminal court ordered restitution payments?

Bankruptcy doesn't "cover" anything. If you mean, can a criminal-court-ordered restitution be discharged so you don't have to pay it, probably not. Lawyers are trained to argue issues for their clients, so you might find a lawyer who can convince the bankruptcy court it should be discharged.