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An Executor and an Administrator are two very different types of estate representatives.

An Executor is appointed by the probate court to settle the estate of a person who died testate or with a will. An Administrator is appointed by the probate court to settle the estate of a decedent who died without a will or intestate.

Someone who has been named as an Executor in a will must file the will with the probate court with a petition that the will be allowed and the Executor be appointed. The court will review the will to make certain it is technically valid under state laws and if there are no objections it will appoint the Executor. The Executor will be given the authority to settle the estate under the supervision of the probate court.

In the case of no will, some qualified person must petition the probate court to be appointed the Administrator. If there are no objections the court will appoint the Administrator and that person will have the authority to settle the estate under the supervision of the probate court.

In some cases and in some jurisdictions should the executor die or leave some tasks unfinished the court will appoint a successor to complete the settling of the estate. That person is called an Administrator with the will annexed or an Administrator de bonis non.

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