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Evidence is weighed by the fact finder, either the judge or jury, to determine what the facts are. For example, imagine a car accident at an intersection with a stoplight. Car A was turning left, switching from north to west, and was t-boned by a Car B going straight east The driver of Car A said he had a green arrow. The driver of car B said he had a yellow light. A witness said it was a red arrow for car A, and green light for car B. The fact finder then weighs the credibility of this testimony, and any other evidence, and decides what happened.

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Q: How does evidence determain an outcome of a case?
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If a case reaches court, both sides present their story (or their 'evidence') before a judge or a jury. The outcome is then decided by the judge or jury.

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Relevant evidence is evidence that has a tendency to make a fact more or less probable than it would be without the evidence. Material evidence is evidence that is related to an issue in the case and has the potential to affect the outcome of the case. Relevant evidence is broader in scope, while material evidence specifically pertains to the issues at hand in a case.

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Relevant evidence is information that has a tendency to prove or disprove a fact in question. It is important in legal proceedings as it directly relates to the issues being discussed and is admissible in court to help determine the outcome of a case.

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Witnesses may (or may not) provide additional evidence relative to the outcome of the case. The legal team on both sides have the right to question any witnesses - to enhance the case for - or against the accused.

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The same as you do anywhere else. You must present evidence or proof that refutes the perjured item, or testimony. If the perjury affected the outcome of a judicial action, you will have to file a motion to re-open the case based on new evidence.

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There is no way. To win there's either lack of evidence, or little evidence. But if there is no evidence, there is case.

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If it affected the outcome of the case, you can appeal the case.

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2 possible outcomes to a situation, worst case being the absolute worst possible outcome, best case being that absolute best possible outcome.

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not to feel guilty and to find evidence to prove you are guilty

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