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Single fathers have none until granted them by a court, which has to approve removing them.

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Q: How does a biological father lose rights to a child?
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Can non custodial parent lose child Mother get remarried does noncustodial parent lose their child?

No. If you have been determined to be the child's biological father you and the mother will have equal parental rights if you remarry.

How long does a biological father have of not paying child support or having an contact with the child before he can lose his rights in Massachusetts?

Since losing them can include not paying support, it can only be done if an adoption is the intent.

Is a father's rights terminated if he pays child support?

Paying child support will not cause the father to lose his parental rights - neither will not paying child support.

Can a man who has been a father for five years lose his parental rights if he is not the biological father?

Unfortunately the law does not recognize a man or woman to be granted a parental rights even though they have taken it upon themselves to raise and nurture a child. Marrying someone with a child(ren) does not automatically confer the new spouse any legal rights concerning the child(ren). The law only recognizes such rights as belonging solely to a biological or adopter parent(s) or a legally appointed guardian.

Can father be prevented to meet minor child if sole custody is with mother who take diverse from that hushband and he is claiming to meet as biological father?

Yes so leave this to the courts.If they were married when the child was born he is automatically the father and you have to prove paternity by DNA to prove you are the biological father. Then you can ask for your parental rights and get visitation, pay child support etc. Get a lawyer.If you already is on the paper as the dad and have parental rights you need to ask for visitation. She can not refuse a court order. That is breaking the law and she can herself lose custody if she does.

Can an unwed mother lose custody of her baby to the biological father if there is no negligence on her part?

Difficult, but yes. In most cases, the state will take the child as single fathers have no assumed parental rights. see link

If you are not the bioligical father and sign the birth certificate can the bioligical father still be ordered to pay child support?

Yes, but then you would lose your rights as the child's legal father.

If a father dies leaving no will and a biological child and a wife and then the wife remarries does the wife lose the house in the state of Texas?


Can you lose visitation rights if you're not the biological father?

Generally, no. However, you have not provided any detail and there may be circumstances under which an unfit mother may lose custody to a step father who has been a stable parent to the child. You should speak with an attorney who can review your situation and explain your rights and options.

If The father of my child is a drunk and drug addict which rights will he lose?

Well, i don't really know but are you sure that you love this guy???

Can a father lose his rights and what would cause him to?

I'm pretty sure that if you abuse a child or commit some kind of crime then you can loose custody of the child/children.

How do you terminate rights of your daughters father in ny?

Approved by the courts, along with lose of child support. see link