same way any bill becomes law: it is submitted in committee, presented to the general legislative body, and voted on (with amendments and lots of pork thrown in).
The purpose of the health care bill is so that everyone in the United States has an opportunity affordable health care. The health care bill is highly debated.
Where can I download page 107 of the health care bill? i want to be able to read page 107 of the health care bill
People support this health care bill because it is the first serious step in fixing out broken health care system.
health insurance
Health care bill is the amount reserved for health care policies by the government usually in the form of public sector insurance programs or private sector insurance companies. The purpose is to provide improved quality of health care in low cost.
By definition, home care is done by licensed personnel. One must check with their local department of health for the state requirements to become licensed.
The health care reform bill.
There are a few ways to become a health care professional. The most popular way is to go to university and attain a degree in your chosen field of health care.
Congress wins no matter what happens to the health care bill. They have free care... for life.
The health care bill did pass, was signed by the president, and in mid-2012, the Supreme Court ruled that it was in fact constitutional.
The bill (the Affordable Care Act) is online, in its entirety, and I enclose the link to it.
yes :^D