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Because of the importance of such agreements, they should be written with the help of a counselor or other trained individual.The government department responsible for this area is the best place to obtain information and assistance in these matters.

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Q: How do you write a child support agreement between two parents?
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Can a child whose 18 years old file child support on a parent?

Probably not worth your time. At eighteen, you are legally an adult and should be supporting yourself. Child support is usually an agreement between parents to provide for their child.

What is a support agreement?

It is what the phrase implies: an agreement between the parents regarding support and, often, related matters such as health insurance, child care costs and visitation. Such agreement should be in writing and must be made part of a court order to be enforceable.

Can the parents agree on a child support amount and submit to the Office of Child Support?

Most countries do allow an agreement to be written up between parents detailing their own child support amounts. Please be aware that this should be legally done and shown to child support so that it is not held against someone in the case of your relationship turning sour.

How emancipation occurs between parents?

Emancipation can result from a mutual agreement between the parents and the child or it can be ordered by the court, in spite of the parents' objections if the child can show that they are no longer reliant on the parents for support. Emancipation also occurs when the child reaches the age of majority (usually 18) unless the parents can show that the child is mentally unfit to care for himself / herself.

My husband pays child support for his child in California. The child has turned 18 and has graduated high school. How and when does he stop making payments that are deducted from his check?

You must check the divorce decree and child support order. Child support ends in California when the child reaches eighteen and has graduated high school. However, if there was any agreement between the parents that if continue through college the state will enforce that agreement.You should contact the court that issued the child support order to determine how it must be terminated.You must check the divorce decree and child support order. Child support ends in California when the child reaches eighteen and has graduated high school. However, if there was any agreement between the parents that if continue through college the state will enforce that agreement.You should contact the court that issued the child support order to determine how it must be terminated.You must check the divorce decree and child support order. Child support ends in California when the child reaches eighteen and has graduated high school. However, if there was any agreement between the parents that if continue through college the state will enforce that agreement.You should contact the court that issued the child support order to determine how it must be terminated.You must check the divorce decree and child support order. Child support ends in California when the child reaches eighteen and has graduated high school. However, if there was any agreement between the parents that if continue through college the state will enforce that agreement.You should contact the court that issued the child support order to determine how it must be terminated.

Can the mother move with the child if the father and her agree on child support amond themselfves?

By law, child support belongs to the child. Therefore, parents cannot agree between themselves to waive or reduce child support, either past-due or current. The venue that issued the order must approve any such agreement.

I father is paying child support how often they're able to see the baby?

if there's a custody agreement its between the parents, however if there is no "joint custody" agreement..... it's ALL UP TO CUSTODIAL PARENT

Does fathers have to pay for child support plus when the child is starting school that fee to?

it really depends on whether or not there was a court order stating to do so or it could depend on an agreement between the parents. often it could be arranged that the father pays child support an then half of agreed things. eg, the starting school fee an school fees stationary, uniforms, medical aid etc. like i said it depends on the court or an agreement between the parents

Can parents enter their own child support agreement if there is already a court order?

No. Any such agreement must be incorporated into a court order to be enforceable.

Do you need the other parents agreement in the state of Pennsylvania to get off of child support if you sign over your parental rights?

Yes, and the agreement of the courts.

What does the child have to do to receive child support if the child is going to college?

It depends on your state. It depends on the agreement for child support that was made. Some support the child through high school or age 18 only. Otherwise, the parents have a choice as to the level of support they will provide.

Is there a way to come to a no child support agreement in the state of Texas?

If the parents can't agree the court will decide for you.