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"Homicide" refers to a crime involving murder.

Example : "The man committed homicide and was arrested and jailed."

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The detectives were investigating a recent homicide. He is a homicide detective, he investigates murders.

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Q: How do you use homicide in a sentence?
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What is an example sentence with homicide?

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What is the sentence for vehicular homicide for Tennessee?

8 to 60 years

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He was sentenced to 4 years. He was released after 2 years. The sentence included time for 2 counts of vehicular homicide and 2 counts of leaving the scene of an accident.

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No, police divisions such as robbery and homicide are not capitalized in the middle of a sentence unless they are part of a proper noun or title.

What is the sentence for homicide?

It depends on where the murder is committed as well as how, why, and by what method. Murder has different degrees in some but not all jurisdictions and sentences can range from probation to the death penalty but usually somewhere in between. In some areas a 1st degree murder conviction is a mandatory life without the possibility of parole sentence.

What is is the max time to serve if no previous convictions for vehicular homicide in Tennessee?

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Destiny can be precluded but never predicted. The continual thunderstorms precluded the start of the county fair. His statements prior to the homicide precluded a plea of self defense.

Does the death penalty affect the homicide rate?

No, there is no clear substantiated evidence that the use of capital punishment is a deterrant to homicide.

What sentence would a 72 year old male get for aggravated vehicular homicide?

The same sentence an 18-year-old would receive.

What sentence would a 17 year old receive if charged with a DWI and vehicular homicide in Florida?

A 17-year-old charged with DWI and vehicular homicide in Florida could face severe penalties, including a possible prison sentence of up to 15 years for vehicular homicide and additional penalties for the DWI charge. The exact sentence would depend on the circumstances of the case and the judge's discretion.