Yes, for felony crimes it is quite likely that they will extradite, especially if you did not comply with the terms of your probation sentence.
i had 4o days left on parole in AZ,i absconded to PA,will AZ extradite me?
Not enough info to answer the question. If the sentence was suspended why is there a warrant issued for you? Suspended sentence for what offense? Was there some kind of probation/community service attached to the sentence that you failed to complete?
how much does it cost extradite smeone
Fly you in an airplane, or drive you in a vehicle.
Depends on the severity of the crime they want to extradite for.
For felony offenses, most states WILL extradite.
Yes, however, it is unlikely unless the charge is a felony. For example, Nebraska most likely will not extradite someone who is wanted for skipping court on a misdemeanor.
Yes, it is possible. They can extradite on ANY offense they choose. A VOP offense means that you skipped on your sentence (which I'll bet you probably plea bargained down from a greater charge) and are an absconder from your jail/prison time. You are, in effect, a fugitive.
Yes, any state will extradite to any other state.
Most states WILL extradite for felony offenses.
will fla extradite from ky on possession charges