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If you know that person, if it is NOT over the internet, go up to them and say, " Hey! I don't feel very comfortable with you following me so stop!", if it is over the Internet , like FaceBook, MySpace, Twitter, or YouTube, block them and if they continue and hack their way back in, change your password, get on their page, but this time before you block them report them for Scam, now you block them hopefully this will work because if it doesn't then you may highly consider deleting and remaking your account but in this result you will lose all your friends, followers, and subscribers.

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12y ago
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9y ago

Just go to that person. Tell him that you do not like him stalking you. Tell him to do not stalk from then.

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15y ago

Court order.

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8y ago

You verbally tell them.

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Q: How do you tell someone to stop stalking you?
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Simply tell her you do not like her. If she's too mental to listen to reason, then consider taking drastic action and tell someone else, someone important, a cop or a teacher, they'll take care of it if there's no other solution

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Who cares stop stalking him. Who cares stop stalking him.

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Tell someone ! Everyone has a right to go about their lives without feeling threatened. You have to tell a teacher NOW to get this person to stop. Maybe they don't realise what effect they're having on you - maybe they do - either way, you have a right to get their behaviour stopped !

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some people are kinda messed up and have to compulsively follow someone- tell someone if they do that's the most important thing and if you think someone's stalking you stay in a busy area and/or tell someone.

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you tell them to go away, and you are not comfortable with them bothering you. and if they continue call the police, and block them from your life.

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Stalking is an obsession thing. If the obsession comes alive again it could happen. Do police know about the stalking? If youre worried always tell police.

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I'm not sure about that, but it is stalking, so you should probably stop.

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Tell your brother that she is stalking you... Ask her why she is stalking you... If she continues you should tell him to dump her... then if she still continues you are stuck with a stalker

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Stop talking to me is 'arrête de me parler'. Stop stalking me is 'arrête de me suivre' or 'arrête de me pister'.

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Stop stalking her.

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When you stop stalking him

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You need to see if he really is stalking you, or if you are just thinking that he is. If he really is, you need to talk to him and ask him why he is stalking you or tell someone else and get help from the police if needed.