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You will need to go to court with legal representation to present your case. The judge will make a binding decision.

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Q: How do you stop costody to your child from the father?
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What will help gain full costody of a child?

preparation see links

Who get costody of adopted child if both parents are dead?

The child is one again put up for adoption to a new couple.

If im not the father of a child how do you stop child support?

Through the courts; you will have to prove you're not the father.

Can your friends mom get costody of you?

most likely costody goes to another family member.

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have a father in the home.

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The relationship with the child's father should be encouraged. If there are school activities for the child, the father should participate. Unless, the child is in serious endangerment when she is with the father.

I need help to give costody to the father of my kids?

This can be achieved easily through the use of a Certified Mediator. see link below

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Do i have to pay child support if i don't have costody of my daughter?

Yes, it's always the non-custodial parent who pay to the parent who have custody. The money have to go to the person who takes care of the child.