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'un agent de la protection judiciaire de la jeunesse'

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Q: How do you say youth probation officer in French?
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How do you say officer in french?

the office is 'le bureau' in French.

Does a Judge have more authority than a probation officer?

i'd' say a judge does they have the say in whos going to jail

How do you say youth hostel in French?

A youth hostel is "une auberge de jeunesse" in French.

If judge says to visit the probation officer once a month does the probation officer have the power to say to see him once a week or who has the right to say?

i don't think so but hes in charge so just listen to him and ask the judge when u get a chance

How do you say youth in French?

Youth is 'la jeunesse' in French. Youths are 'les jeunes'.

Can a person serve probation abroad?

I don't think so because one of the requirements of probation is that you are able to be contacted by your probation officer at all times. Phone calls don't count, so I would say probably not.

How do you say youth club in french?

le club de jeaunes :)

Will you be drug tested the first time you meet with your probation officer for formal probation in California?

Impossible to answer with 100% certainty, let's just say that there is a good possibility. The PO will want to know what he is dealing with ASAP.

Can a felon on probation date a convicted felon?

The answer is no because it clearly states in your condition of probation. I mean if it does not, every case is different, you can always ask your PO (parole/probation officer). the worst they can do is say no then u just do it ANYWAY HOW WILL THEY FIND OUT IF YALL DO NOT GET INTO ANY TROUBLE.

Can a probation officer charge you with verbal assault for saying the f word?

If the use of the word is ALL that occurred, I would have to say that it seems pretty unlikely.

Do you get tested for drugs the first time at the probation officer?

It could happen so don't be surprised. Just get honest if it will be positive. Don't say it will be clean when you know it will not.

Can you be revoked off probation in WI for dirty ua?

Depends on your parole/probation officer. They may sanction you anywhere from 30-90 days. Was told by one that they can't revoke you for that, but some may get on a power trip and say it is a violation of your rules, and do it anyway.