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If you are in default, response can only buy you more time. I responded with a compliant about unfair collecton practices and it gave me a couple more months. Bankruptcy could also be an option that would buy you time, but it is complicated and you'll probably need a lawyer. Know your rights, the process gives you time to move and regroup, but if you can't renegotiate with your lender, refinance or sell and pay off the loan you will be foreclosed on. Good Luck.

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Q: How do you respond to foreclosure papers that you have been served?
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What is the next step when a child who lives with you serves you court papers to live with his dad?

If you have been served with "court papers" or a lawsuit, you will need to file an answer and respond to the suit. In most (all?) places, a minor cannot initiate legal actions or serve legal papers.

How do you tell if my wife been served with divorce papers in coos county Berlin NH?

Check with your attorney to see if the papers are served. Or check with the server that you used to serve the wife. When the divorce papers are served the server has to report it to court that the papers have been served so check the court records if your attorney is not available to answer your questions.

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If you have been served with legal papers stating that the lender has taken back possession of the property, then you may not (lawfully) occupy it. It is private property and now belongs to the lending institution. On the other hand: If you have not yet actually been served with the papers or evicted, you probably can stay until such time as you receive the eviction notice or the Sheriff's office shows up to put you out.

How do you find out if your wife has been served divorce papers?

Ask her.

Why would someone get a foreclosure notice?

Foreclosure notices are served on those who have not been able to keep up with their mortgage payments on their home. They are akin to an eviction notice, as the bank is claiming their property.

If you have been given 20 days to respond to divorce papers does it include weekend days?

Check with your lawyer.

In NY state if a person will not accept the papers has he still been served?

What!? You're gonna keep your hands in yer pockets??? You've been served if you are AWARE of the service Bubela.

If a mother takes the children to a different state and will not let the father know where they are is he responsible for child support if no court papers have been served yet?

No, he is not responsible until court papers are served. Also, he cannot pay if he doesn't know where they are.

How to find out if child support papers have been served?

The agency or person in charge of the lawsuit summons will inform the plaintiff/petitioner that the summons has been properly served upon the defendant or his or her legal representative.

How can you fine out if your husband living in Canada divorced you?

If you haven't been served with divorce papers, then you aren't divorced no matter what he says.

Do affidavit need to be hand delivered?

I assume you mean a summons? a affidavit is created after the summons has been served, the affidavit is what goes to the courts after you have been served. There are three ways a person can be served papers. One is (personal hand delivery) two is (suitable age) which means anyone of or over the age of 15 in your household. and last is (taping to the door) after three attempts to serve you papers these are all reasonable means of being served atleast in my State.

If your home is going to foreclose.but you have not been served an eviction notice. how much time do they give in California?

It would depend on the stage of the foreclosure and the laws in the state in which your property is located.