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AnswerFiling bankruptcy, pay the judgment or negotiate a repayment plan. AnswerJUDGMENTS, BANKRUPTCIES (10 YEARS), TAX LIENS, ARE ON YOUR REPORT FOR SEVEN YEARS. THIS INFORMATION CAN NOT BE REMOVED. AS LONG AS THESE ITEMS SERE WITHER DISMISSED/DISCHARGED YOU SHOULN'T HAVE ANY PROBLEMS WITH A RESEDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, OR SBA LOAN. THIS WILL AFFECT YOUR CREDIT RATING FOR SEVEN YEARS, BUT NOT AS DRASTIC AS IF IT WAS NEVER PAID. Answerif this judgment has been (paid) dismissed/discharged then get a letter or letters from the court house stating this and dispute this to the bureaus and have them remove this account off your credit report. look at my bio for more information. GOOD LUCK!! AnswerValid negative entries cannot be removed from a credit report until the prescribed time limit has expired. Judgments remain in the public records portion of the CR for seven (7) years. Most judgments are renewable thereby making it possible for a judgment to remain an indefinite period of time.

Any negative item reporting on your credit report including judgments can be removed from your credit report. Only the courthouse who reported the judgment and the credit bureau reporting it can remove it. Any item being reported must be verified upon request and if it is not verified it must be removed.
Once you pay the judgment, the creditor will file a satisfaction of judgment with the appropriate court. Send a copy of the satisfaction to each of the credit reporting agencies to have them update the account as paid.

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16y ago

You can't. It is reporting what happened. It's called reality. try to connect with it. Can't change the past you make, just live with it.

But understand that the difference between a check by something like an existing Cr Co to confirm records, or when opening a new deposit account at the bank to confirm ID, is noted and viewed differently than one for opening a new credit account.

Too many of the last is an indicator of bad credit, or someone trying to get too much credit too quickly for some reason, to a credit issuer.

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16y ago

You can't actually remove negative credit reports, but you can and should add your explanations or comments to your credit files at the various reporting agencies this is your right, and is the next best thing available to removing the negatives.

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Can't remember for sure, either 6 months or 2 years.