Mom must hire a good lawyer and make certain she is providing a good environment for the child. It will be up to the judge to decide.
the plane was taking brian to his dad. his mom and dad are divorced and his mom has custody of him.
you are 16 dad has custody you want to live with your mom Okay ^^^ I want to know can I go live with my mom I am 16 and my dad has custody
If Mom has custody then she gets to decide where you live. You can move in with Dad if Mom agrees to it. Otherwise, Dad would have to petition for a change of custody.
Only if your father agrees to allow it.
If you live in the US... Children are not property and therefore cannot be 'willed'. You can state in your will who you would like to receive custody, but the court is not required to abide by it. For example, if Mom has custody of a child, she dies and her will states that she wants her sister to receive custody, but Dad wants custody...Dad gets custody, unless he can be proved unfit, because Dad has first legal right to custody (Mom's wishes don't change that).
If the court awarded custody of you to your Dad it will take action by the court to change your living arrangements. Your Mom would have to petition (ask) the court that gave you to your Dad, for your custody -or- your Dad would have to tell the same court that he was willing to turn your custody over to your Mom. If your Dad and your Mom are on speaking terms maybe they can come to some kind of agreement over this and they could both talk to the court to have the custody order changed. The thing is:(#1) Are you sure your Mom wants you to live with her in NY? And, (#2) there may be reasons (that you don't know about), WHY the court wants you to be with your Dad rather than your Mom.
I just found out tht my dad and step mom have custody of my son which I have not sign him over to them and my son lives with me I take care of him. What can I do?
I believe you can with the permission of your parents and the guardians taking you into custody, i may be wrong wiith this, it is best to check with the local law office
No, your parents can see to that she gets custody of you.
I dont think so my dad did that and my mom fiiled him
Only can speak for Arizona: when the parents are unmarried, the dad has no rights except to pay child support. Of course if the child is old enough and the mom does not object, the dad can keep custody.
If the court awarded custody of you to your Mom it will take action by the court to change your living arrangements. Your Dad would have to petition (ask) the court that gave you to your Mom, for your custody -or- your Mom would have to tell the same court that she was willing to turn your custody over to your Dad. If your Mom and your Dad are on speaking terms maybe they can come to some kind of agreement over this and they could both talk to the court to have the custody order changed. The thing is:(#1) Are you sure your Dad wants you to live with him? And, (#2) there may be reasons (that you don't know about), WHY the court wants you to be with your Mom rather than your Dad.Colorado law always favors the mother.