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by using a key?

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Q: How do you open someone locker?
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Related questions

How do you figure out someone opened your locker?

If your things are in an order that they were not in before or if the locker is open when you get there.

If you left something in an open locker and someone took it can you press charges against them for stealing?

if you leave something in an open locker you should expect that someone is going to take it. How can you say they stole it when they probably feel they found it. It wasn't like they took it out of your backpack or out of a locked locker.

How do you open someone else's locker?

find out the combination and don't do anything stupid

If you left your ipod in an open locker and someone took it, can you press charges against them for stealing?


What is the answer to the locker problem?

The answer to the locker problem is every perfect square is a locker that is open.

How do you unlock a school locker?

get the comic,then it will say a number.copy it and the locker will open

How do you open the locker to get the pliers in Hotel Dusk?

Go to Linens and open the unlocked locker next to the door. Open the toolbox inside it and get the plier.

Which locker do you open on Wimpy Wonderland?

you look for the locker that is different then the others :-D

How do you get the locker open on big nate island on poptropica?

You will get the code from the comics. When you find the comics you will have the code. Use it to open the locker.

How do you open miles locker without the combination?

break it open

What should you do if someone knows your locker combination?

Inform the administration and see if you can get a new locker, or have someone change the combination for you.

Open Davey Jones' locker in pirate quest?

try 2:4:3:8 if it does not come then someone eles did it before you/... later