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If the person was convicted of the felony as an adult the entry on his or her criminal record is permanent and cannot be expunged. But there is a process in Texas law called Non Disclosure which allows someone to have the "effect" of expunction. That person can deny legally having a record. The laws changes in 2005 to allow a group of felonies to be eligible.

Some convictions are eligible to be cleared as soon as you complete deferred probation. Generally if you we're given prison time or regular probation. You may not be eligible under Texas law to have those records cleared. There are companies and lawyers that specialize in this service.

If it the conviction was on federal charges in federal court, you cannot expunge the conviction. Your only option will be to apply for a pardon from the President of the United States.

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16y ago

You will need to hire a lawyer who will then try to have your felony "expunged" from the record. It is not a simple process, nor a inexpensive process and there is no promise that your lawyer will be sucessful in their attempt. Another route to pursue would be to have the Governer of Mississippi grant you a pardon, but this is more difficult and rare.

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15y ago

To request an expungement of your STATE criminal record: You must have either been acquited or served the complete term of your sentence - then submit a petition to the court setting forth good reason(s) why your request should be granted. A judge will review your petition and the circumstances of your case and issue a ruling either granting or denying the request. AN EXPUNGEMENT IS NOT A PARDON! Law enforcement, the courts, and government agencies will always have access to your actual 'true' record. Expungement only removes the record of your offense from being viewed by the public. FELONS CONVICTED IN STATE COURT OF STATE CRIMES: If your request for expungement is granted and you are a resident of a state which completely or partially restores your "rights" (you will have to do research to learn if this applies to your state of residence), you will still remain subject to any restrictions that your state laws place on you (e.g.- voting rights - privilege of holding elective office - firearms/ammunition possession - etc). CAUTION: FEDERALLY CONVICTED FELONS: It remains a FEDERAL felony offense for a federally convicted felon to ever own or possess a firearm. The United States Criminal Code, makes the penalty for illegal possession of a firearm in some cases, a mandatory minimum of fifteen (15) years in prison (Title 18 U.S.C. sec 924(e)(1). At this time federally convicted felons have no practical solution to their firearm disqualification problems. By denying funding, Congress has effectively suspended the review of convicted felons' petitions for restoration of their firearms privileges.

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13y ago

well, you can either wait several, by several i mean 5+ years for it to be taken off, or ask a judge to have it expunged or sealed and either is a difference between the two. expunged is totally wiped clean of your record. and sealed stays on your record but is just that sealed, police officers, judges, etc. will not be able to access information on the crime

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13y ago

You can have records of felony arrests, proceedings and related material expunged from your record only if:

a. you were never indicted, and had no felony charges in preceeding 5 years;

b. your were indicted, but the felony charge was dismissed, and had no felony charges in preceeding 5 years;

c. you were tried but found not guilty of the felony offense in question; or

d. you were convicted, but had the conviction set aside, dismissed or pardoned.

Also, if the felony charge in question was obtained subsequent to a primary felony charge, then under no circumstanceabove can the record be removed.

i.e.- John Doe is charged with burglary [primary felony] and then assualt [secondary felony] of the homeowner. If Mr. Doe is acquitted of the assault [c], or the charge is dropped [b]; the record would would still stay because it was a byproduct fo the primary felony.

source: Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Article 55.01 [Right to Expunction]

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13y ago

you cant.

Added: All states are different and there is no general answer which can be given. In all states there are expungement laws which, if you qualify, MAY allow you to clear your record of an offense for which you were convicted.

You must research the law in your particular state, some offenses can never be expunged (federal offenses - capital crimes - domestic violence - etc) and you can usually only apply to have one crime per lifetime expunged. There is no such thing as a 'blanket' expungement of your entire record.

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16y ago

Can you help clear record with no convictions?

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16y ago

File a petition with the court to have your record 'expunged.'

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Q: How do you have a felony conviction removed in Texas?
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