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If you are trying to complete Shield of Arrav, talk to the guy whose name begins with B(hes in crossroads in the middle of varrock) about the phoenix gang. you will have to pay him 20 coins. then go down a ladder somewhere in south varrock and talk to a guy, he will tell you to kill johnny the beard. he is lvl2 and is in the blue moon inn. take the paper he drops and talk to the guy next to the door again. he will let you join

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Do the shield of arrav quest to find out how.

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You will be given the choice to join a gang during the "Shield of Arrav" quest.

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Q: How do you get in the phoenix gang in Runescape?
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Is the phoenix gang leader in the phoenix HQ on runescape?

The gang leader is yes.

Where do you get the phoniex storage key on RuneScape?

Only a phoenix gang recruit or member can have the Phoenix gang key, they get given it by the door guard.

How do you join the Phoenix gang on RuneScape?

When you start the quest Shield of Arrav, talk to the Phoenix gang leader. who is the Phoenix gang leaderYou need yourself and a friend one that's a member of one side and the other.

What if you're part of the Phoenix gang on Runescape and you can't attack the weapon master in the Phoenix hideout?

That's why you need someone form the opposite gang to help you out.

Where is the pheonix gang in RuneScape?

The Phoenix Gang is located in Varrock, north of the dark wizards and stone henge but south of the Blue Moon Inn. You climb down a ladder in a little house to get into the Phoenix Gang's area.

How do you quit the Phoenix gang on runescape?

Once you joined a gang, you can't quit it. So before joining, choose whether you want to join Black Arm, or Phoenix. The above is wrong. If you know the spell telegrab and you are on the Phoenix Gang you can use the spell to steel the 2 cross bows and give it to the Black Arms Gang. Then you can join the Black Arms Gang.

How do you steal the 2 Phoenix Crossbows in Runescape?

You need another person who hasn't finished the quest yet to help you out. Each of you join a different gang and you each get a phoenix crossbow.

What do Phoenix gang members look like on runescape?

Nothing different, they just have access to a crossbow names Phoenix Crossbow, same stats as Bronze Crossbow.

In runescape where is the phoenix gang weapon stash?

Beside the chaos altar. You could also ask the tramp again he will tell you.

Runescape is black arm gang better or is Phoenix gang?

They are both pretty much the same which ever one you choose you will need the other gang to help you, this goes with Hero's Quest in Members as well.

How can you be a gang of black arm gang at runescape when im Phoenix gang?

once you have picked one side you cannot change you will have to get another person that hasn't chosen a side yet. The above is wrong. If you know the spell telegrab and you are on the Phoenix Gang you can use the spell to steel the 2 cross bows and give it to the Black Arms Gang. Then you can join the Black Arms Gang.

How do you get into the Phoenix gang on RuneScape?

You have to do the quest "Shield of Arav" for help on the quest go to it's a website that i use most for runescape quest guides, skill calculators, ect.