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You cannot get a power of attorney from a patient in a coma. In order for a person to make a power of attorney or any legal agreement, the person must be competent to know the nature of what it is he/she is doing and voluntarily choose to do it. A comatose patient has no awareness of the nature of the agreement and cannot take any action to make the power of attorney effective. At that point only a court appointed guardian or conservator, or other similar type of fiduciary, can take over and manage the affairs of the patient.

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Q: How do you get durable power of attorney if the patient is in a coma?
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Ask for living will or DNR order.Otherwise next of kin. If none available, must petition court, having court appointed, disinterested advocate for patient. Patient may have Healthcare or Durable Power of Attorney with a non-related friend or partner. In an emergency, doctor may administer treatment as s/he sees fit if none of these options are available and timely treatment is necessary to save a patient's life.

Who pays for the bills of a person who has no power of attorney written and is in a coma?

The person appointed by the court to do so. The probate court can grant the power of attorney for this person.

Can a coma patient be treated for failure to thrive?

A coma patient can be treated for failure to thrive. Failure to thrive leads to coma or partial coma at times.

Can mother of adult child in coma have power of attorney?

The court is likely to approve it. You have to apply with the appropriate documentation.

Is coma recovery rare?

Recovery can have a wide variance depending on the cause of the coma and where the patient places on the coma scale

Do tears mean a patient is coming out of a coma?

Usually, tears are a common function of the human body. It does not necessarily mean that a patient is coming out of a coma.

Is a patient in a induced c aware of the situation.?

Is a patient in a induced coma aware of her surrounding.

Can coma patients be cured?

...bring the patient to the hospital. That's it!

What if someone is in a coma and needs his her family to handle their financial affairs and has not left a Power of Attorney what can be done?

Apply to the probate court for an emergency power of attorney. The hospital can probably assist and will have to provide some documentation.

Does inflammation of the brain necessarily mean that person is in a coma?

No. Exams of patients with encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) usually reveal a drowsy or confused patient but not in a coma. A person in a coma state can not be aroused.

What is the lowest functioning of a coma patient according to the Glasgow Coma Scale?

Three is the least possible number of total points and would be given to a patient for whom not even a painful stimulus is sufficient to provoke a response.

What condition results in a patient being totally unconscious unresponsive and unable to be?
