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You can call the local police, show them proof that you live there (mail, bill or ID) and tell them that you have been unlawfully evicted. If this does not resolve the issue, then your last recourse is a civil lawsuit.

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Q: How do you get back your belongings when your domestic partner locks you out?
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You moved out of house you co own with ex partner can you go back to get belongings?

As you are a co owner of the house you have every right to go back and collect all your belongings, and she can not stop you.

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Abusive or not, "his" belongings are his property and so in the eyes of the law they must go back to him. Anyway, if you tried to keep them, wouldn't that just make him MORE abusive?

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Generally no, since for purposes of federal law your domestic partner is legally a stranger to you.

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They don't charge you to get your personal belongings back... they charge you a "storage fee" for the time they stored your personal belongings. And yes, they can do that.

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You will need to speak to the police to retrieve your belongings. An attorney could help even more to get your belongings back.

Why was the lock invented?

Locks were invented to provide security and protection for belongings and properties. They serve as a physical barrier to prevent unauthorized access and theft. The invention of locks can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where the need to safeguard valuables and possessions was critical.

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Unless the gift is your ex partners family heirloom then any gift given to you is yours to keep and they have no legal right to it.

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What does it mean if your wife leaves but has the house key and clothes at home?

being female, i would have to say she is planning on coming back. her return could be to collect her belongings and move on. or, she just needs some time to cool off at the moment, think things over. if she made it clear upon her exist she wasn't coming back, i would suggest changing the locks and packing up her clothes and other personal belongings and informing her she has 30 days in which to collect or all will be given to a local charity. good luck.

If you get treated and your partner doesn't can they pass it back to you again?

Yes. If your partner is inflected with a disease, and is not treated for that disease, then your partner can give it back to you. Of course, not all diseases are curable. Not all diseases can be cured with treatments. If you are cured of a disease, and your partner who is inflected, is not cured, your partner can pass that communicable disease back to you again.

How do you get your personal belongings back after a car has been towed?

Pay the towing and storage bill.