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Hire a lawyer that specializes in the reason for the discrimination. ie employment, civil rights

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Q: How do you get an injunction to stop a company from discriminating against a select group of companies?
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When do you use company' and company's?

"Companies" is plural for more than 1 company. Example: There are several phone companies from which to choose services."Company's" shows possession of the company. Example: It's against the company's policy to give out benefits for its employees.

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What gives companies an incentive to work against free and open competition is that it can be profitable for them to do so. The public will make comparisons when shopping and choose the company that works best for them.

What is a person suit against another party?

I believe that you are referring to a civil suit? This is an action by one person or entity (company, partnership, etc) against another, for money damages or some other kind of equatable relief (an injunction, cancellation of a deed or contract, etc).

What was the result of georgias lawsuit against the Tennessee copper company and the ducktown sulfur copper and iron company?

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What gives companies an incentive to work against free and open competition is that it can be profitable for them to do so. The public will make comparisons when shopping and choose the company that works best for them.

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There are many complaints against Standard Mutual Insurance Company. However, there are many complaints against all insurance companies. This company seems to have more negative press than some. Use with caution.

Can a credit card company issue a summons for unpaid debt or can a credit card company retain services of an attorney and sue for unpaid debt?

sure they can but they cant collect or that is what happens in texas they can get an injunction against you but that means you have to pay them but not when Absolutely. You own them the money and they can hire an attorney or sell the debt to a collection agency.

What was the result of of Georgia's lawsuit against the Tennessee copper company?

Georgia's lawsuit against the Tennessee Copper Company resulted in the landmark Supreme Court case Georgia v. Tennessee Copper Company (1907). The Court ruled in favor of Georgia, stating that the state had the authority to regulate industries that posed a threat to public health and the environment, setting an important precedent for future environmental regulation cases.