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A lis pendens is a notice that there is a pending court action that affects the property. A certificate from the court stating the outcome of the court action and recorded in the land records will dissolve the LP. The Chapter found in the link below does not mention a statute of limitations.

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Q: How do you get a lis pendens off your property in California- is there a statute of limitations?
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What is the statute of limitations on a lis pendens in the State of Wisconsin?

The purpose of a lis pendens is to warn the public of pending litigation which affects real property. As such, the statute of limitations pertains only to the lawsuit that the lis pendens was warning of. If there is no lawsuit to correspond with the lis pendens, then it is not valid. See a real estate attorney in your area if you have any concerns, as he or she can provide legal advise for your specific situation and state's laws.

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**Preface: I am speaking from WA law. A lis pendens is a document which notifies the public that any persons acquiring any interest in the real property at issue in a particular lawsuit will take subject to the rights of the plaintiff in that lawsuit. I believe this nationwide generality will render me able to answer this question.** Since a lis pendens warns the public of pending litigation, when the litigation to which the lis pendens warned of has concluded, the lis pendens is automatically moot and void, absent a court order to the contrary. If the lawsuit is still active, then the lis pendens is, too.

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There is a statute of limitations on assessing income taxes, but once the taxes have been assessed there is no statute of limitations on collecting them.

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The statute of limitations in California for personal injury/negligence lawsuits is two years with the discovery rule.