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You probably cannot, although you may try to plead it down to a lesser offense.

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If you qualify you can make application to have the offense expunged.

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Q: How do you get a first offense misdemeanor dismissed in nc?
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What is the maximum sentence for a level 3 misdemeanor conviction in nc?

A misdemeanor offense can be punished by NOT MORE than one year in jail.

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How many misdemeanor can be expunged in nc?

How many misdemeanors can be expunged in the state of nc

How lond does one have to wait to purchase a firearm after being convicted of a violent misdemeanor in NC?

Depends on the misdemeanor.

What will happen in NC when you work full time and collect unemployment benefits?

Committing fraud against the government is a criminal offense, and you could be charged with (depending on the state) a felony offense (i.e.: defrauding the government).

Class 3 misdemeanor simple possession extradition to NC?

no extradition

Is the abuse of the 911 system in nc a class 3 misdemeanor?

Yes it is

Does a dismissed felony come off your record in 7 years in nc?

yes it does

Is a second DUI in nc a malicious misdemeanor?

No, especially if you're on parole or probation a second DUI can be a felony or misdemeanor that results in a heavier sentence.

Does NC extradite for misdemeanor charges?

To my knowledge there is no such thing as "Felony" or "Misdemeanor" probation violation. If you violate probation, you are in contempt of court, and have absconded from the imposition of a court ordered sentence, both of which can get you sent back to jail to serve your sentence for the conviction for which you were serving probation.

How long does a drug conviction stay on record?

Forever, if a "legal" adult (depending on the state, NC if you are a second older than the age of 16, you are no longer considered a juvenile on your criminal record). It is only a myth that convictions go away on your criminal record. Any and everything you are ever charged with will stay on your criminal record, even if found not guilty or if the charge is dismissed. It will state so on your criminal record. Let's say you are charged and arrested for misdemeanor larceny and you go to court, the judge tells you to do 30 hours of community service and pay a fine, then your charge will be dismissed. Your criminal record will still state the offense date, type of offense and dismissed. Or if you take it to trial and some how you "beat" this charge your criminal record will still state the offense date, type of offense and not guilty. The only thing that can be counted against you are offenses you are found guilty of. Although they will always be on your criminal record!

Is this a felony in NC SCHIVCS(M)?

That looks like an abbreviation for Scheduled IV Controlled Substance. It's a misdemeanor of the first degree for possession of a Scheduled IV narcotic.