Generally, the lienholder gives the payor a document sometimes called a Warrant of Satisfaction, which gets recorded in the same office that shows the lien. The Warrant is proof that the debt has been paid and that the lien is no longer in effect. The lien is never "removed" in the sense that it won't appear in the public record or credit searches, but the warrant, being recorded in the same office as the lien, will show that the lien is now null and void. Check your own state's laws on this.
A mechanics lein is on the property and it can last till the property is sold or the lein is paid.
Yes...once it is paid.
yes but I paid cash for my condo(association dues) , can it be foreclosed if so by who i don't have a mortgage
lein on my car
Who is the lein holder on this vehicle
Yes, the co buyer can have their name removed from the title. You can go to the title office and have it removed.
how to find out if you have a tax lein
The only one who can "repossess" IS one who has a lein. NO Lein, NO repo. No Lein, NO CO-SIGNOR.
Anatoly Lein was born on 1931-03-28.
how do you place a lein on some ones home
Abhi To Jee Lein was created in 1977.