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I guess u could show off, but if u have um... like a cool/ popular/ cute kinda girl @ your school u could probably copy what she does. And it's OK 2 copy a lot of girls @ my school do the same things so ya totally! :p U could copy her or the boy that u like might be dating a girl ( believe me a lot of boys and girls are dating/ breaking up :( . Anyways try it and if u need more advice make an e-mail @ Google g-mail and look me up @ :) thanks

just be you find thing you have in comon

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12y ago
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14y ago

A ten year old doesn't need a boyfriend.


Being ten years old is very young to have a boyfriend. Start out right now just being friends with everybody that you can. Get involved outside of school and get to know people. When the time comes for you to have a boyfriend, you will have a bigger pool of people to choose from. As for how to get a boyfriend, advice is normally best on a situation-to-situation basis. Talking with someone older (like an older cousin, sister, neighbor, friend, or even older teenager here on WikiAnswers) would be a good idea. Having someone to confide in is always helpful. Being yourself is always important, and being confident with yourself is the best advice that I can give in general. Maybe wait a little bit until you start dating. The feeling to want a boyfriend is normal, but try to be content with being friends with people right now. The time will come when you are ready to date. It will come quickly, trust me. :) Hope that helps!

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10y ago

well im 10 yrs old and i have a boyfriend named brandon and how we met was we were just GOOD friends but you dont have to be good friends you can just be friends but how you get one was look at them with body language dont just stare at him and smile because then that will freak him out

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10y ago

Act yourself and dont be wierd around her because she wont want to go near you but when you have enough courage ask her out but if she says no be kind and say thats okay im ten and i got my girlfriend by being kind to her

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12y ago

bro, all ya gotta do is say '' Hey ____ I've had a crush on you for a long time will you go out with me''. That easy

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13y ago

u can't your to young and that's pretty stupid. ( <------ stupid person said that) well act sweet and be nice after about 1 month he might like you it happened to me so good luck

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15y ago

I wouldn't try it. It won't really be a relationship, more like a, "Look at me I have a boyfriend and you don't."

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12y ago

just ask her or him im shure just ask them for the truth but when no one else is around.

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14y ago

That depends. A ten year old boy could "get" a tan year old girl. Though the only way a ten year old boy could get an older girl, lets say 12 or older would be if she were extremely pathetic.

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