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A print from 1895 would be in the public domain in most countries, unless the creator lived remarkably long after its creation.

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Q: How do you find the copyright print 1895?
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With the permission of the copyright holder.

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I have one . Are you interested ?

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Published in 1895, the book is in the public domain.

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The national library of the country in which the book was published likely has information on file.

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Not necessarily; often works will be protected by copyright long after they are out of print.

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Im looking for that print as well. I think Phillipe Harlan may have that painting under protected copyright.. let me know if you find it!

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You will have to go to the website of the Copyright Office in your locale & either print the form available there or request a mailed copy be sent. (see the related link below for instructions & forms to download from the US Copyright Office)

What is a copyright 1911 by PD THOMAS worth?

To determine the value of and print it is dependent on the condition of the print and the authenticity of the print. If the print is copywrited then it can add value to the 1911 print from PD Thomas.

When is it safe to use out of print book materials without copyright infringement?

"Out of print" does not equal public domain. A work is safe to use only if the copyright has expired or deliberately been placed in the public domain by the rights holder. Or if the copyright has expired and was not properly renewed.