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If it is a traffic violation, you can call the number on the ticket to find out what you owe. If it's a fine for a misdemeanor, such as disturbing the peace, etc., then you can call the police department or city hall to find out.

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10y ago

Contact your probation officer. If you are off probation with an outstanding balance, simply call the office and ask. Likely as not, should the second scenario be, you will be contacted by a collection agency and they can give you the balance. However, if dealing with a collection agency, and you choose to pay them, keep meticulous records of your payments, and when you send your last payment, write this, "Paid In Full," on the endorsement portion of your check or money order.

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14y ago

If they are traffic fines it can depend on the state you are in, contact the Clerk of Court's office and ask - OR - contact the DMV.

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Is paying court fines late a probation violation?

Paying court fines late can be considered a probation violation, depending on the terms of the probation. If the payment of fines is a requirement of the probation and there is a specified deadline for payment, not adhering to that deadline can be seen as a violation of the terms. However, specific circumstances and jurisdictional regulations may vary.

What happens with someone skips bond and on probation already?

Probation violation you will go to jail. An still owe on fines an still will be own probation

Can a probation officer extend your probation if your fines are not paid?

Yes, paying all fees and fines related to the court including restitution, court costs, attorney fees and probation supervision fees can be a term of your probation and you can be found in violation of probation for not paying them in a timely manner.

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In Tennessee you'll be violated for sure.

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No you can not join on parole, on probation or any fines not paid.

Can a parolee join the army?

No, you must have served your time on parole or probation before you can enlist in the Army. You also have to pay all your fines and have fulfilled all requirements of your probation or parole. Just wait out your time and once parole or probation is over than you can start the process of enlistment.

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Probation could be extended, but provided there were no issues while the offender was on probation and made efforts to pay the balance, the remaining balance would likely be referred to collections.

When on probation are you not allowed to move before completing community service and paying the fines?

While on probation (or parole) you are NOT allowed to move without the authorization of the court.

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You cannot join the military while still on parole or probation, or if you have any outstanding fines.

What is the punishment of spraying paint in the city hall?

Jail, fines, public service, probation, cleaning up the paint.

What happens if i pay my fines for probation but don't report?

that is still violating your probation if you dont report, you wont have to give them money no more but they aint going to forget about you, they can send out a bench warrent.

What happens when your on probation and you smoke weed?

If you are on probation and you smoke weed, you are likely to violate the terms of your probation, which could result in penalties such as a warning, probation extension, fines, community service, or even jail time, depending on the severity of the violation and the policies of your probation officer or court. It is important to adhere to the rules of your probation to avoid further legal consequences.