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Most police departments keep statistics on the addresses and locations of crimes in their jurisdcition - if they keep a hisotorical file of this information, you could try checking with your local law enforcement agency. Be aware, however, that this may not go back into the past to any significant degree (i.e.: you would probably not find any records going back more than a few years, if that far).

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Q: How do you find out if a crime has been committed in your residence prior to your occupation?
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You don't. That person has been adjudicated. If the person has committed a new crime, or new evidence of an old crime surfaces that permits prosecution for those crimes, provided the statute of limitations has not expired, then that person's probation may be revoked by the presiding judge, but no one has a right to involve himself in such a way in anyone's life who has faced punishment for the crimes he has committed and is trying to move on.If a new crime has been committed, then contact the police and let the detectives and prosecution do their jobs.

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A fine is a sentence, not a crime. Whether the prior offense was a felony would depend on what crime the defendant was sentenced to a fine for.

If you have no prior incidents how can you not get charged with a crime?

Not having a past history is a big factor in the decision of whether or not you get charged for a crime, but that being said, it really comes down to how severe the crime was, how your present yourself in court, and whether or not the judge thinks you should pay the price for your actions. Not having any incidents prior to the crime is not a valid excuse to be dismissed from any criminal action.