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Your question answers itself. You cannot enforce a lien "against a promissory note...that does not have any collateral." Not knowing what the 3d person's connection to all this is, I can't say what effect that has on anything. The trustee, not the court, abandoned the note as not collectible. You think the trustee was wrong? Do you know something the trustee doesn't?

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Q: How do you enforce a lien against a promissory note 65000 that does not have collateral. BK court abandoned the note as not collectible between the lien holder and creditor. A 3rd party is involved?
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Unless you committed fraud, the answer under most circumstances, yes. If you pledged any collateral as security for the loan, the creditor's lien on the collateral would survive. The creditor would have 60 days after the meeting of creditors to file an action objecting to your discharge. If the creditor took no action, the debt on the promissory note would be discharged.

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It's possible that you may have to give up your vehicle as collateral, although the creditor would more likely have you wages garnished.

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How is collateral connected to a loan from a bank or credit union?

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