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Q: How do you describe a road?
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Describe this mode of transport, road transport?

travel on the road

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What is a kenning for outgoing?

"Wave road," using the metaphor of a road created by waves to describe someone who is outgoing and adventurous.

What is the purpose of Road Warrior?

A road warrior is a term used to describe people that travel a lot. The general purpose of a road warrior is to accomplish business transactions or jobs while on the road.

What poems describe Robert Frost's life that he wrote?

The Road not Taken

How do you use bumpy in sentences?

'The road is bumpy' , so you use it to describe something else.

Kenning use it in a sentence?

The poet used a kenning to describe the sea as "whale road" in the ancient text.

Describe the sign which warns you to slow down for a winding road?

Yellow diamond, with a curving arrow.

How would you describe a bike lane?

It's a particular piece of road, dedicated to be used by cyclists.

Describe sign which warns you to slow down for a winding road?

Yellow diamond, with a curving arrow.

Which word for describing cars on the road?

Adjectives are the words that describe nouns. The word car is a noun (on the road is a prepositional phrase telling more about the noun cars). Some adjectives to describe cars on the road are:a long black cara rusty cara fast cara decrepit cara fine cara wrecked cara pokey cara sporty car

Is who lives on the same road as me a noun phrase?

Yes, "who lives on the same road as me" is a noun phrase because it functions as the subject of a sentence or as the object of a verb or preposition. It contains a pronoun ("who"), a verb ("lives"), and other words that describe the noun ("on the same road as me").