Repeal means to cancel or revoke an act or law.
A law can't just be cancelled. It has to be replaced with another law. If you pay attention to what is happening with the health care law you can see the process of what happens.
The legislative body passed the law after much discussion. It was a legislative act that created the new tax.
Compromise of 1850.
Repeal. A legislature reverses the passage of a law by repealing that law.
When we cancel a legal bill such as the Stamp Act we use the term "repeal" (to revoke or withdraw formally or officially), or "rescind" (revoke, cancel, or repeal (a law, order, or agreement). Other suitable choices include revoke, repeal, cancel, reverse, overturn, overrule, annul, nullify, void, invalidate, abolish or quash. Because we live in a society of laws we have many terms that vary but slightly in their meanings..
Basing decisions on common law or legal precedence is faster than waiting for a legislative body to act.
The only way to improve an act of law is through the legislative process. If the act is not yet passed, it can be improved through introducing an amendments to it. If it is already law, then a new law could be introduced to replace or update the act.
An "Act" is a law passed by a legislative body. An "Ordinance" usually has to do with municipal governments, such as a county or city. Example: A law setting zoning standards for a community.
An act is a formal written document that sets out rules or laws passed by a legislative body, such as a parliament or congress. It carries the force of law once enacted. Statutes are laws that have been formally written and codified by a legislative body, which are also known as statutory law.
Separation of law is the process or act of "vesting" all the legislative, executive, judicial powers or laws of government in separate areas.
An "act" implies a law or regulation passed by a legislative body. A 'decree' implies an order or regulation unilaterally issued or declared by someone in authority, without benefit of legislative review or action.