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{| |- | You will have to find out what the laws are in your state. Emancipation is available in about half the states of the US. The laws and requirements vary in the states that allow it. The minor must show that they can take care of themselve financially and not be a burden on the state. Not having a job or money will make this very difficult. The minor must also show that they are responsible and can take care of themselves in any situation. |}

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Q: How do you apply to a court to get emancipated?
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Can you apply for section 8 housing at age 17?

Not if you're under age, and not emancipated. If you have a court order which shows that you are emancipated for the purposes of entering legal binding contracts, then you probably can apply.

Can my mom make me come home?

If you are not yet an adult, yes. However you can apply to a court to be emancipated and the court may appoint you new guardians until you become an adult.

How can a child become emancipated from parent?

First of all they have to be in a jurisdiction that allows emancipation. Then you apply to the court and show how you can take care and support yourself.

If you have a child at the age of 15 are you automaticly emancipated?

no you have to apply through the courts to be emancipated

If i apply for wic does that mean I am emancipated?

No, you are medically emancipated, but you are not emancipated legally to make your own choices and live where you please.

Do you keep medicad if you get emancipated?

No. Since you are emancipated you would have to apply under your own name for it.

How can you get emancipated without a parent's consent?

First you have to contact the family court, ask for a petition to be emancipated from your parents. If you are self sufficiant and can provide on your own, you can be emacipated. Which means your parents are no longer responsible for you financially. Eash state may have different laws that apply.

How do you emancipated if you are a 17 year old mother with both of your parents deaceaised?

If you live in a state with an emancipation law, you would apply to the court. The process and the requirements will vary depending on the state.

What is legally required to move out at 16?

Get emancipated by the court.

Can you get emancipated at 15 in Texas?

No, 16 is the minimum age to apply.

Can you get emancipated at 15 in Oregon if you are pregnant?

Pregnancy does not make one emancipated. In Oregon you must be at least 16 to apply for emancipation.

How old do you have to be to be emancipated in Oklahoma?

At the age of 16, if you can prove to the court that you have a way to support yourself you may become emancipated.