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The house votes for the best interests of the people of there state. the Senate votes in the best interest of there state. and the executive branch really is and does not have any real power, especially the President of the United States the Constitution gives him little or no power at all. the president is little more then the greeter at walmat. check the facts look at the powers granted to him by are Constitution, again super pac pays them members of the house and Senate to not do there jobs, so it is really the corporations that have the power and run the united states of America

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Theodora Hartmann

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2y ago
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12y ago

The house votes for the best interests of the people of there state. the Senate votes in the best interest of there state. and the executive branch really is and does not have any real power, especially the President of the United States the Constitution gives him little or no power at all. the president is little more then the greeter at walmat. check the facts look at the powers granted to him by are Constitution, again super pac pays them members of the house and Senate to not do there jobs, so it is really the corporations that have the power and run the united states of America

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Q: How do the three Branches of government CHECK and BALANCE each other?
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Why do you think the government has three branches?

The United States government has three branches because the Founding Fathers believed the branches would check and balance each other.

What are the names of the branches of government set up by the US constitution in order to check and balance each other?

judicial, legislative, executive

Why do you think the writers of the constitution added a system of checks ad balances?

so if two of the other government branches thought the other was too powerful they could check the issue then balance the branches

Which branch of government holds the power of checks and balances over others?

The three branches were all set up in order that none got to much power, and that they all balance out.

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Yes, the power to check other government branches is a non-legislative power

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So that the other branches won't have to much power than the other branches basically all of the branches are equal.

Why did the writers of the Constitution include a system of checks and balances in the government?

So that no one branch of the government has total control

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It should contain 3 branches of government to balance each other out

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The founding fathers provided for a separation of powers by making three branches of govt. that could check and balance each other.

How does the supreme court ability to amend the constitution informally serve as a check and balance on the other branches of government?

The Supreme Court may not amend the Constitution, but their interpretations definitely serve as checks and balances on the other two branches. Laws have to agree with the Constitution to be legal.

What powers do the 3 branches have and how do they check and balance each other?

Each branch checks the power of the other branches to make sure that the power is balanced between them.

How did checks and balances help the brances and federal gov't work together?

No branch of government would have too much power, and if it did the other branches had a way to check it and balance the power back out