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Q: How do fundamental rights ensure that an individual grows freely?
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Along with the enjoyment of fundamental rights comes a responsibility to ensure what?

Their strength and endurance

Why did the founding fathers demand a Bill of Rights?

to ensure individual liberties

What two fundamental interests must be balanced for Intelligence oversight to succeed?

Intel & Individual Rights

Difference between fundamental rights and ordinary rights?

When ter s violation of fundamental rights v can directly go to supreme court.. Whereas in second case v can't appeal to supreme court directly.. moreover, the ordinary rights are granted by the ordinary laws. they do not have the same sanctions and sanctity as the fundamental rights have because the latter is guaranteed by the constitution itself. the fundamental rights are incorporated in the constitution.

Why fundamental right called fundamental?

Fundamental rights are called fundamental because they are basic human rights that are essential for the overall development and well-being of individuals. These rights are considered fundamental because they are inherent, universal, and essential for human dignity and freedom. They are often enshrined in constitutions to provide protection and ensure equal treatment for all individuals.

When was fundamental rights established?

Fundamental rights in the United States were established with the Bill of Rights.

Are fundamental rights absolute in nature?

yes fundamental rights are justiciable.

What do you mean by fundamental rights?

The section on fundamental rights has often been referred to as the 'conscience' of the indian constitution. Colonial rule had created a certain suspicion of the state in the mind of the nationalists and they wanted to ensure that abset of written rights would guard against the misuse of state power in independent India. Fundamental rights,therefore,protect citizens against the arbitrary and absolute exercise of power by the state.

Why do some individual rights need special protection in the constitution?

To protect the rights and freedoms of certain individuals and groups to ensure equality.

Demanded voting rights and secret ballots?

The demand for voting rights and secret ballots reflects a desire for democratic principles and fair elections. Voting is a fundamental right that empowers citizens to have a say in the political process. Secret ballots ensure the privacy and integrity of the voting process, allowing individuals to freely express their choices without fear of retribution or coercion.

Which sentence best completes the diagram (The Bill of Rights)?

Americans demanded protections for individual rights (sorry there wasn't any questions for this so I decided to put it here)

When was Fundamental Rights Agency created?

Fundamental Rights Agency was created in 2007.