Creative works are protected by copyright law.
Copyrights protect the "owner" of that material. To use or reproduce it without express approval of the "copyright" holder is illegal. "Copyright Laws'" protect intellectual property from unauthorized use.
Copyright law in general does not protect ideas, but rather it protects the expression of those ideas.
Plagarism or copyright Laws!
Creative property can be protected through copyright, trademark, and patents. Copyright protects original works of authorship such as literature, music, and art; trademarks protect symbols, names, and slogans identifying goods and services; and patents protect inventions or discoveries.
Copyright does not protect facts or ideas, but will protect the expression of them.
Through copyright laws
protect individuals medical records and other personal health information
Copyright law addresses the rights of people who create images.
No. Property laws protect the property of politically weaker individuals from the politically strong who would take more rights if they could.