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Hire an Oregon attorney familiar with gun laws there. You will need one.

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Contact a lawyer. We don't know your situation or the circumstances surrounding your loss of them. It may not be possible to.

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Q: How do I restore my gun rights in Oregon?
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How does a convicted felon restore there gun rights in Oregon?

Have your record expunged or the conviction overturned.

Does Oregon restore gun rights after you get a felony expunged?

No. Expungement only makes your conviction hidden from the general public - it doesn't make it go away.

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How do you restore gun rights in Texas for nonviolent ex-felon?

You have to apply for a pardon first. After that you can must fill out an application to restore your gun rights. The links for both forms are provided below.

Gun rights restored in va?

Contact the local US Deputy Attorney. He can restore rights if he chooses.

How do you restore a felons gun rights in wi?

Start by hiring an attorney to file a petition for restoration of rights.

Proceedures to restore gun rights in mo?

You will need money, a lawyer and patience.

How do you restore your gun rights with a dishonorable discharge?

The only thing you can do is appeal your discharge.

Can gun rights be restored in Arizona?

Yes, there apparently IS a process to restore gun rights to SOME convicted felons. You will have to contact local authorities for more information.

How do you restore your rights to own a gun in Tennessee after your probational period is up?

In short, you petition to have your rights restored. The best option is probably to check with and attorney.

How do you restore a felons gun rights for a federal offense?

The short answer is that there is a mechanism for this, but it gets no funding... thus, it doesn't happen.

You live in Oregon and had your record expunged Can you buy a hand gun and not be red flagged during the waiting period trying to purchase one?

Yes you can. ORS 266.170 In Oregon an expungement in relief from prohibiton of gun rights.