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They tricked the other ships so they could attack and steal the treasure the other ship had. And if they were lucky, they could even take the whole ship!

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the made someone dress up as a lady her was in trouble so they came closer

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Q: How did the pirates trick other ships so that they could draw close?
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Not usually. Pirates were sometimes given ships by governments that wanted to hire them, sometimes they were wealthy enough to have ships built for them, sometimes they just commandeered other ships.

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On pirates online can you steal ships?

No you cannot steal ships on Pirates Online.

What did the pirates use to see far away?

Pirates used the telescope to look for ships that they could rob. They also used it to look for military ships that be chasing pirates. It was important that the pirates be able to tell which ship it was nearby.

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So they could move quickly to catch large slow ships.

Who raided spanish ships?

Ships were commonly raided during voyages. Pirates often raided Spanish ships for treasure and these ships were also raided and attacked by ships from other countries.

What did pirates look for on water?

for other boats, eh ships to plunder,aaarrrgh

What did pirates do to tell crews of other ships to surrender?

they flew the jolly roger

Did pirates really have talking pirates?

(1) They have them for their pets. (2) To send them to other ships. (3) To see if there is danger (4) Pirates are dumb, funny, stupid, and weird