There is no such specific mention made of "Martial Law" in the US COonstitution however it is closely tied to the right of Habeus Corpus. Since the American Revolution there are approximately five recorded instances of martial law being imposed in the US. See below link for further reading:
People power revolution
Martial law is declared by people in authority. Therefore, only those same people can stop martial law.
martial or admiralty law.
Abraham Lincoln
Perwez musharaff martial law was administrator .
Karate is a famous martial art; the mayor declared martial law after rioting broke out.
what questions could be ask for declaring martial law
After the disaster, the government enacted martial law.
No- certainly not. Martial law is rare in the US and is used only in small areas that have been hit by a natural dishaster such as a hurricane or tornado and looting is feared or even more rarely in case of a civil disturbance or riot.
Martial law is a system of absolute miltary control over all military and civilian activities of a country. Martial law seeks to maintain public order in times of a crisis, when the normal civil institutions of justice either cannot function or could be deemed too slow or ill-equipped for the situation. Usually martial law curtails some of the personal rights ordinarily granted to the citizen, limits the length of the trial processes, and can prescribe more severe penalties than ordinary civil law. The only nationwide use if martial law in the US was a limited period during the US Civil War when martial law was declared, and the right to Habeus Corpus was suspended in the Union (northern) States, by order of President Abraham Lincoln.
The duration of Martial Law - TV series - is 2700.0 seconds.