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They established a system of checks and balances whereby they hoped to balance the different areas of government and prevent one area from taking over.

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Q: How did constitutional convention delegates solve the problem that the national government might become too powerful?
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Constitutional convention delegates voted for a national government based what?

Virginia plan

What did most of the delegates to the philadelphia convention feel should happen to national government powers?

Many of the delegates at the Philadelphia Convention argued for a stronger national government, as one of the weakness of the Articles of Confederation was that it created a weak national government. The Constitutional Convention was held in 1787.

Why did island not send delegates?

Rhode Island did not send delegates to the Constitutional Convention because they did not support a stronger national government in its relationship with the states. Rhode Island was consistent in avoiding or lagging when asked to support national measures...even before the Constitutional Convention.

Which aggreement was reached by the delegates to the constitutional convention?

tge national government can levy taxes directly onto citizens

Why did the delegate of the constitution convention of 1787 write a new constitution?

The delegates call for the constitutional convention because they realized we need a stronger national government.

People in faver of a strong national government?

If referring to the delegates in the Constitutional Convention, those who preferred a stronger national government were called Federalists and those who favored states' rights were called Anti-Federalists.

Why did American leaders thinks constitutional convention was necessary?

Delegates agreed to gather at what is called the at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in May 1787. They were to revise the Articles. They decided instead to write a document that created an entirely new and stronger national government.

Which state was not at the constitution conventions?

what state was not represented when the constitution was signed ?Rhode Island did not want a strong central government at the time, so they refused to send delegates to the Constitutional Convention.

For what purpose did the delegates to the constitutional convention originally meet?

The delegates to the Constitutional Convention originally met to reform the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation were the guidelines for the first national government of the United States. However, they were weak and did not give enough power to the national government so that it was able to hold all of the separate states together. That is why they wanted to reform it. When they started the convention, they discovered that since the Articles of Confederation were so fundamentally flawed it would be better to just come up with an entirely new form of government. So they created the Constitution of the United States of America, which is still used today.

Why did the delegates decide to change the government and write a new constitution?

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Why was a constitutional covention called in 1787?

Because it was a convention held in Philadephia by delegates from all the states besides Rhode Island. There were 12 states there. They were called together to build a stronger national government. The new government was called the constitution.

James Madison believe the Delegates at constitutional convention could keep the revised articles of confederation as the government of the nation?

No because he supported a strong national government