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I first read Nicky Cruz's Run Nicky Run when I was in my early teens. It made a lasting impression on me and I still remember the book vividly as an adult. There was no real magic except of course the Holy Spirit that turned Cruz's life around from a member of a street gang earmarked for early death to a life in service of the salvation of others. It took a young street minister and a sinful and dead-end life to turn young Cruz to the Lord. In turn, he was saved and went on to become a young street minister himself. No doubt Cruz has helped to save untold numbers of young people that he himself used to be.

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Q: How did Nicky Cruz put Jesus' teachings into practice?
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How did nicky cruz show his Christian faith to others?

How did Nicky Cruz show his Christian faith to others?Nicky Cruz showed his Christian faith by treating others how he would want to be treated. He also began telling others about Jesus.

Where was Nicky Cruz born?

Nicky Cruz Was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico

Where does Nicky Cruz work?

Nicky Cruz works in New York with Gangs changing them into Christians

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Nicky Cruz's mother's name was Victoria and his father's name was Juan.

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What are facts about how jesus changed nicky cruz's life?

1. he turned from a gangster to a charity owner after a christian preacher talked to him 2. Nicky cruz believes now that Jesus is the only leader of the world 3. he tries to turn people away from what he had to go through and doesnt want anyone to suffer like him, but only after the preacher talked to him 4. After the preacher talked to cruz, nicky went to the police to hand in all weapons 5. Nicky hasn't been in prison since Christ entered his life

How many books did Nicky Cruz write?

Nicky cruz wrote 16 books and is hopefully still writing.

How many people did nicky cruz kill?

nicky cruz killed over 40 people including his friend jeremy

When did Nicky Cruz marry Gloria?

In 1962.

Who is nicky cruz married to?

Her name is Gloria.

How did nicky cruz die?

he has not died yet

What was nicky cruz's brothers name?

Nicky Cruz had a brother named Frank. Frank was murdered by a drug addict in Puerto Rico that he and his wife were trying to help.