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Q: How did Charles the first commit treason?
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Can a trucking company commit an act of treason?

A company can not commit a crime, the managers can.

What were attitudes towards treason?

treason was seen as one of the worst crimes you could commit

Did King Charles believe that he was guilty of treason?

No. King Charles I thought it was impossible to have committed treason since he was the king. Whether he was in-fact guilty of treason is debatable.

What is the target market for the death penalty?

Those that commit treason, rape and murder.

how did john brown commit treason?

for murder, and for conspiring with slaves to rebel.

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Can one commit treason during war time?

It is particularly easy to commit treason during war time as the politicians usually have the powers to make up the charges as they go, and puplic trials are dicouraged in these times in the national interest.

What did the they commit when the signers sign the declaration?

The signers of the Declaration of Independence committed treason under British law and an order of the King.

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What happened to Charles 1st in court?

He was charged with treason!

What crime did Charles the first commit?

assult thirst against a student in his school and then a teacher later that day