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How can you tell if your child has cancer?

You can't, a doctor can. If you believe your child has cancer then you need to see a doctor and tell them the symptoms that your child is having.

How do you tell if a child will be gay?

There is no way of telling if a child will be or is gay. Ask them, and if they trust you enough, they will tell you an honest answer.

How can a mother give her child reading encouragement?

Yes she can. tell your child that she can do it and tell her to also belive in herself!

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You dont tell your child,you leave your male partner.

Can you be pop?

yeah you just have to have a child, and then wait for your child to have a child and then tell your child to tell his/her child to call you pop and so you my friend are pop! (disclaimer there are many other ways to be pop results may vary)

When should you teach a child to tell the time?

When the child is aking what time it is. Once the child understands the concept of time they should begin learning how to tell time.

How can you tell if you can produce a male and a female child?

You cannot tell

How can you tell if someone is abusing a child?

The child will show awkwardness to that individual.

How to tell that my child is not mute?

with out sound

How does a under aged child tell a missionary that he she loves him?

Just tell him!

How do you get custody of a child in New York?

You tell the child to say that they love you and not there dada