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Unless you are going to small claims court, you can't. Courts aren't going to let an untrained individual without an understanding of the system and the laws and processes waste the time and resources of the court system. Unless you are going to small claims court, you can't. Courts aren't going to let an untrained individual without an understanding of the system and the laws and processes waste the time and resources of the court system.

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8y ago

this answer is 100% incorrect -- of course you can sue without an attorney, it's called (among other things) "pro se" representation -- go to your state's civil court website and look for self-help information -- it is not an easy process by any stretch, and you may need some help somewhere along the line, if not for the whole thing, but the "expert" (contract attorney) here saying that "courts aren't going to let an untrained individual . . . waste the time and resources of the court system" is nonsense

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16y ago

You can go to small claims court. It isn't free, but the fee is very minimal, like 20 dollars.

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