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I would think you would need to prove it in court. Whatever area you think they are unfit, you will need physical proof, not just hearsay, for example: drug addiction, mental illness, sexual abuse, neglect or abandonment. I would talk to your local Social Services and ask them what steps need to be taken.

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14y ago

Through the preponderance of accurate and TRUE evidence. If there's is a justifiable reason for this, the judge will see it. But, even a bad dad is better than no father at all, even if it requires supervised visitation. see link

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12y ago

You need to have concrete evidence to convince the court.

The factors used to determine that a parent is unfit are generally governed by state laws with child endangerment being the determining factor. The following include some of the reasons a parent may be declared unfit:

  • physical, emotional and sexual abuse
  • excessive discipline
  • failure to protect the child from abuse by others
  • failure to report abuse of the child
  • neglect- failure to provide food, clothing, proper hygiene, necessary medical treatment, schooling
  • failure to provide proper medical care
  • failure to provide day to day parental care
  • serious illness or disability
  • mental illness
  • substance abuse or addiction
  • Alcoholism
  • criminal activity and/or associations
  • incarceration
  • conduct or conditions that are seriously detrimental to the child
  • abandonment
  • child endangerment
  • leaving the child unattended or in the care and supervision of a child or otherwise incompetent person
  • a failure to provide adequate supervision
  • unsafe living conditions
  • a medical condition that makes it impossible for the parent to adequately care for the child
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Q: How can you prove a father to be unfit?
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very hard first u have 2 prove your the father then prove your a better parent or she unfit (brittnay spears)

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If he has been established as the biological father you can not stop him from petition for visitation. That is his right as a parent. If he somehow is unfit you will have to prove that to the court.

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can you marry an unfit father by the state if you have kids in the state of illinois?

If your undreage and the father is of age can any one keep you from the child?

Only if you prove to be an "unfit" or bad parent. The parent that is an adult has not more rights to the child because they are an adult and you are not.

How do you prove a woman unfit in Colorado?

Through evidence. see link

How do you get soul custody of child?

To get soul custody of your children you must prove the other parent is unfit. If they have any addictions, proving they are unfit will not be hard.

When would one parent get sole custody of children?

If you are a father. You must prove the mother unfit, drugs, abuse, prison record, etc... IF you are a mother, depending on the state you live in they would allow soul custody because you are the mother. If the father is unfit and you live in Utah and/or California where they are for the father as well and want to do joint custody in most of those two states, the father must pretty much be unfit such as abuse, drugs and/or prison record for the mother to get full custody. That is pretty much when the only time I have known any parent to get full custody of their children.

How can you prove someone unfit?

prove they have mental health problems wich restrict them from taken part in everday life prove they are on drugs or abusive or dont care

What do you do if your girlfriend mom try to take her baby away because she thinks she should be with the baby father and trys to prove your girlfriend as unfit?

weel her mom sounds like a catholic to me. well there is nothing you can do. but your girlfriend could get a restraining order. your girlfriend needs to make shore she is doing everything that she needs to be as a parent and if she's not dss will find out. ok and the her mom could try to get grandparents rights as well. you need to be aware of that also. her mother can't prove she is unfit if there is no evidence of her being an unfit parent.

How do you get custody of a cousin without father's consent?

You can not unless he is unfit.

What if you can prove that the father is a unfit parent can you take your child abroad?

If you are married and are military, you may take your child where you are set to be stationed with out proving he is unfit. We move to japan this summer, and my daughter's father has no rights to her anyways so we don't even have to bother with telling him. But, if you are not married there can be all kinds of problems. Other than that, you must consult your lawyer if he pays any kind if child support. Good luck!