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I would recommend trying to build trust back up. Also, flattering her would help. Helping out with the baby (buying it stuff like clothes, toys, diapers) would also show her that you want to be there. Be responsible.

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16y ago

You need to love her and show her that she is the most important thing in your life. Talk to her, get her to listen to you so you can convince her. If you love your child you will his/ her mother.

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14y ago

well you have to be very patient. you will have to win her back. obviously she loved you once if you had a child together. you need to first just not do anything to make her mad and do nice random things without expecting anything back from her. make sure she doesn't have a reason to get angry with you and help as much as you can with the child. play with it and show it a lot of attention. if anything women are suckers when it comes to her kids. she will love the fact that you are taking your time to play with it and show it you love it. then when you and her are on good terms start to do nice things for her like randomly if you are at her house clean up a little or help with dishes and eventually work your way up to getting her flowers or taking her to dinner

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Q: How can you get back the mother of your child after a breakup?
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In Arkansas does the back child support go away if the mother dies?

No. The money isn't for the mother. The money is for supporting the child. Back child support belongs to the estate of the deceased and will eventually benefit the child. And even if the child should die, the back child support does not go away.

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no it goes to the mother.

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No. If you adopted a child and the mother cancelled the adoption, you should owe nothing.

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Marriage of the mother, father or child have no relationship to the collection of a debt.

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If the child is a minor (under the age of 18) or the mother has co-signed for the car then yes, she can take back the car. A child who is irresponsible should not be driving.

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To break up with the one you love just to go back with the mother of your child is not the solution. What you should be doing is staying with the person you love; meet with the mother of your child and tell her you will support your child and be part of that child's life and there is no reason why the mother of your child can't get out and work. To break up with the one you love and end up living with the mother of your child will only create heartbreak between the parents of that child and it will not be a good environment for that child.

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To claim a child as a dependent on your taxes, the child must have lived with you and you must have provided support for over 50% of the year. So the mother in this case can claim her grandson on her taxes if she supported the child for at least 183 days out of the year, regardless of whether or not the mother of the child owes back child support.

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Yes, harboring a runaway.

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Petition the court for a modification. If the back support was for any state aid the mother was on, then it can't be forgiven. If it isn't for that, then the mother can write a letter saying she forgives the back support owed to her.

Can permanent custody be overturned in Kentucky?

The gave him away and wont child back .child been in home 1yr mother one spent$20.onhim sence christmas so sure the could court overturn the child back to mother

Can an underage mother win custody of her child back?

Even though the mother is underage she still has custody of her child as long as she does not do something to get custody taken away from her