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Go to the bank with signed proof of the parent's death, and proof that you are the executor of the will, or that you are a trustee if the account/box is in the name of a trust. You should have your parent's safe deposit box key.

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The first thing is to open an estate. Ask the court to appoint you as the executor of the will. They will issue you the letters of authority that will allow you to access accounts and open safe deposit boxes.

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15y ago

You can carry with you the death certificate of your parent and visit the bank in which you feel they had an account (Probably) You can provide their full name, Date of birth, address etc and also provide proof of relationship as father and son or mother and son etc and request the bank manager to search. The manager would have options to search for bank customers by their name, DOB etc. If they find out that your parent had an account, you can show proof that your parent has expired and as legal heir you can ask them to hand over the account proceeds to you. They may take a few days to process but if you have sufficient proof that you are their son/daughter you can claim the money in that account.

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14y ago

You must petition the probate court to be appointed the estate representative. The court will issue Letters that will give you the authority to close the account.

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The account would have become part of the estate. The executor was issued "Letters Testamentary" when they were appointed by the court. Those letters authorize the executor to withdraw the funds and close the account. Contact the bank to find the department that will assist you in closing the account. It will require certified copies of the letters from the court. The proceeds from the bank account should de distributed according to the provisions in the will.

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