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You need a third party to pick up the child and drop him off. That way the parents never meet.

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Q: How can you enforce your visitation when there is an order of protection?
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If you have standard visitation through a child support order what can you do to enforce it?

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What can you do if you pay support and the custodial parent won't let you vista the child?

Many jurisdictions take denial of visitation seriously. You need a court order setting forth a visitation schedule; having that, you can ask the court to enforce that order.

How do you enforce visitation rights if you surrenderd your parental rights?

You can not get visitation rights if you gave up your parental rights.

Police fail to enforce court order for visitation can they be sued and who does the enforcement of court orders?

Generally not. Visitation is a civil matter, not a criminal matter and police have little authority or responsibility in any civil matter. To enforce your visitation rights, you will probably need to consult a private attorney. Most departments won't even touch a visitation matter unless the child is endangered (and there must be evidence). you will need to contact an attorney to get anything else done.

Can an abusive father get custody or visitation of the child?

No, court ordered visitation can only be revoked by the judge issuing the order (sometimes by an appeal to a higher court). The mother should insist her legal representative petition for a court order to enforce her visitation rights.

What rights does a father have if he has visitation rights and after 8months the mother has kept the son from father?

You need to take the mother back to court to enforce the visitation order. You should act ASAP. The mother is in contempt of a court order and if she continues to ignore the court she could lose custody.

How do you enforce visitation order in Texas?

First you need to develop you evidence of denial of access rights. Once that is done, there are forms at the clerk of the court office for enforcement of access rights. You can file a motion for contempt of a court order if the custodial parent is violating the visitation schedule.

Can the father see the baby when he wants and take the child home?

Yes. If there is a visitation order.Yes. If there is a visitation order.Yes. If there is a visitation order.Yes. If there is a visitation order.

Is a school required to enforce a protection order?

Not in the UK.Added: Not in the US either. The school administration is NOT a law enforcement organization.

What happens if parent moves out of state without permission on visitation order?

If a parent moves out of state without permission from the court or the other parent, they may be in violation of the visitation order. The other parent can file a motion with the court to enforce the order or modify it to accommodate the new living arrangements. The court may require the relocating parent to return with the child or make alternative arrangements for visitation.

Does a thirteen year old child have to visit a parent who has visitation rights in Missouri?

Yes, unless the visitation order is modified by the court.Yes, unless the visitation order is modified by the court.Yes, unless the visitation order is modified by the court.Yes, unless the visitation order is modified by the court.

Ex no show child?

If you have a court order file a motion for contempt. If no court order, get one for visitation quickly, then you can easily enforce your visitation rights. It might be a good idea to call the local sheriff and have a "well" check done on the child to see if everything is OK. It will also let the mother/father know that you are concerned about the child and will also let her know that you are noting for the record, a missed visitation.