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Child support is based on the income that the court finds that a person earns, not what their tax docs show. If one party believes that the other party is failing to claim some income, they would have to show proof of the hidden income, and ask the court to declare that the person's actual income reflects the higher number.

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Can your profit share check be taken for back child support?

Any money designated as taxable income is subject to garnishment for child support.

Can colleges ask you about child support and consider it 'income'?

No, child support is not income.

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No. The child support will be based on the father's income and his ability to pay.No. The child support will be based on the father's income and his ability to pay.No. The child support will be based on the father's income and his ability to pay.No. The child support will be based on the father's income and his ability to pay.

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All income, benefits, assests are subject to seizure/garnishment for child support and/or child support arrearages. The percentage of such is determined by the laws of the state where the child resides and the rulings of the court.

What happens to back child support when the father's income is Social Security?

The support is still owed and SS benefits of any sort are subject to garnishment for child support obligations.

Where on a 1040a does child support income go?

It doesn't. Child support does not count as income and is not taxable for the recipient.

If you have no income how much child support do you pay for 3 kids?

Child support is a percentage of net income.

Can child support amounts be raised if a child is disabled and requires therapies not covered by health insurance?

Yes, subject to the factors such as the obligor's income.

Does child support need to be taken out of vacation pay in Mass?

Vacation pay is an income, child support is taken out of income.....

Do banks have to consider child support as income for home equity loans?

child support is for the child .

How is child support figured when you are on unemployment?

Based on your unemployment amount. see links

In Michigan do you have to pay income tax on child support received?

If you were a resident of Michigan or had taxable income from sources in Michigan, then yes.