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1. Legislative - The president can veto any bill from congress rendering it void unless the legislature can get 2/3rds of it to override the Veto. 2. Judicial - The president gets to pick the members of the Supreme Court

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They can do things that limits the two other branches' powers. For example, if a President vetoes a bill, Congress can override it if they gets a 2/3 vote.

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Q: How can the president check the judicial branch?
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Which branch can check up on the president and congress?

the supreme court (aka the judicial branch)

The legislative branch can check the judicial branch by its power to?

The legislative Branch can check the Judicial branch in that Congress can approve the Judicial appointments, they can also impeach judges and remove them from office.

Having judicial powers gives the President the authority .?

to check the actions of the federal courts

What branch is being checked when president appoints a federal judge?

The president's power to nominate federal judges is a check on the judicial branch by the executive branch.

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Judicial: federal judges Executive: President, Vice President, his cabinet...

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The executive branch (the president) can pardon people in jail.

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The legislative branch can remove the president from office, they can declare war, they make laws for the usa, and they can check the executive and judicial branch.

How does the president check the judicial?

The President's check on the Judicial Branch is through nominating new Justices whenever a current one dies or steps down. The Congress checks this action by requiring approval by the Senate of the President's choices.

What is the power of and check on the judicial branch?

The Judicial branch has the power to interpret the laws, or decide if they are unconstitutional. The checks on the Judicial branch are the power of the executive branch to enforce the laws and the power of the legislative branch to make laws.

What judicial functions can the president form?

The President can not exercise any judicial powers. He is the head of the Executive Branch of Government and not a member of the Judicial Branch.

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which is a check the president has over the judicial branch