One can look for an attorney in California by first narrowing down the area in which one would like to find an attorney. Then a good place to start is the Chamber of Commerce of the targeted city or town because that city agency will have a list of reputable attorneys for one to begin to contact.
A good place to start your search is with the California State Bar Association.
A search for CA corporations will yield results for limited liability companies, domestic stocks, and corporations. These can be searched on CA government business search websites.
Calbar is an excellent source to perform a California attorney search. This database lists attorneys currently practicing in California. You can search under California attorney or California State Bar for a list of practicing attorneys in that state.
The website legal500 will provide anyone with legal advice and help in searching for a trial attorney. One can search even further and specify looking for a trial attorney in Portugal.
form_title= Attorney Search form_header= Hire an attorney near you. What type of attorney do you need?*= _ [50] Have you ever hired legal counsel before?*= () Yes () No What is your budget for an attorney?*= _ [50]
There are a few websites one can use to find a copyright attorney. 'Find Law' allows one to search for copyright attorney's by state. 'Contact Law' provides a similar service in the UK.
You need to perform an internet search using your question as the search criteria. That way you will obtain the names of well known lawyers in that area and then look for reviews from clients.
One can find a DUI attorney in the Ventura area on the FindLaw website where one can search for lawyers by category and area. One can also do this on Yelp.
Yes. Talk to an attorney.
Just shred it. Without the form there is no power of attorney.
Finding a special K-1 Fianc„_ï© visa attorney can be through the site of Nolo, where one can enter their ZIP code to search for an attorney in their area.
To find an appellate attorney in California you would need to search the California's Court of Appeals case information website where you can get a good idea of the attorney's experience before you decide to contact them.